Consular services


Emergency Certificate

Emergency Certificate is issued to facilitate one-way travel to Kenya for a Kenyan citizen who for one reason or the other does not have a valid Kenyan passport.


  • A duly filled form 19 Click here

  • Two Passport size photographs measuring 2.5″ x 2″,

  • Original Kenya passport,

  • Copy of Kenya passportCopy of your birth certificate,

  • Copy of your Kenyan ID

  • Police abstract (in case of lost passport)

  • Copy of your flight itinerary 

  • Letter explaining reason

  • s why an emergency certificate is required

  • USD 20 / EGP 620 fee

Kenyan Birth Certificate

  • Form BDA1 dully filled, -authenticated foreign birth certificate, (click to download form)

  • Copies of parents’ passports,

  • Copies of parents’ birth certificates

  • USD 15 / EGP 465 application fee


Certificate of Good Conduct (Police Clearance Certificate)

  • Letter of request to the Embassy

  • Duly filled C 24 Application form (biographical details)

  • Copy of passport and Original second generation Kenyan ID card for certification

  • 2 coloured passport size photographs

  • USD 15 / EGP 465 application fee


Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage

  • Application Form MA5 duly filled. (click to download form)

  • Duly filled Declaration of Commitment to Marriage form (fiancé and fiancée) (click to download form)

  • For divorcees or widowed Kenyans, two copies of supporting documents i.e Divorce decree or the late spouse's death certificate 

  • Original birth certificate

  • Copy of Kenyan passports for the applicant and fiancé ( certified by notary )

  • 2 coloured passport size photographs each

  • Letter of request  Addressed to : 

    The Registrar of Marriage, Nairobi, thru’:
    The Ambassador,
    Embassy of the Republic of Kenya,
    Cairo, Egypt.

  • USD 115 / EGP 3550 Fee

Note: Issuance of this certificate involves some search by the Registrar of Marriages to establish the Civil Status of the applicant. For this reason, it takes time and it is advisable to apply well before the planned date of marriage (preferable 3 months in advance)

Certificate of canine importation

  • A letter of request from the pet owner, original pet owner’s passport

  • an authenticated International Veterinary Certificate,

  • Pet’s original passport showing all the vaccinations, Antibody test document as prescribed in the WHO animal health manual

  • USD 65 / EGP 2010 application fee

Other services

1- Authentication of documents

The Embassy authenticates official Government of Kenya documents and documents originating from Egypt and meant for use in Kenya.


  • A letter of request,

  • The original document duly authenticated by the relevant authority,
    Copy of the original document

  • USD 15/LE 465 (per document)


2- Filming License Application

Local filming agents and Private production companies or individuals are requested to submit their applications through a local agent registered with the ministry. This requirement is mandatory for all applications to make feature films or documentaries.

To get the list of the latest Licensed Filming Agents, please contact:

The Film Licensing officer
Department of Film Services
Ministry of Information & Communications
P. O.  Box 74934-00200,
Tel: +254 20 650120, +254 20 650120/1/2  

NB: Government agencies may submit their applications through  local licenced film agents.
Deadline for submission of applications:

Applications to make a documentary or a commercial advertisement are processed on application. Applications for drama and feature films are processed in less than 48 hours.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Formal letter of application

  • Application form duly completed – copy to be attached

  • List of foreign crewmembers, giving names, nationalities, and passport numbers & date of expiry of passports

  • Script and synopsis or storyboard

  • List of equipment to be imported for shooting purposes, the value of each piece of equipment, etc


a) Filming rates in Kenya Shillings (KSHS)

Adverts, documentaries, dramas, short features; still photographs 5,000
Full-length feature films, TV series 15,000
Daily filming fees 1,000

b) Liaison Officer’s service charges

The Ministry charges Ksh. 400 per day to cover Liaison Officer’s services provided by a government Liaison Officer, to be attached to the crew.

c) Other charges:

1. Each visitor is required to pay Ksh. 2,000 to the Department of Immigration Services for a special pass before engaging in any film shooting. Artists may, however, arrive in Kenya on a visitor’s pass while the filming special pass is
being processed.

2. A nominal non-refundable fee of 1% of the value of the equipment or Ksh30,000-whichever is less is payable to the Customs Department on presentation of a film license.

3. The following charges are applied for any filming in a National Park:

  • Ksh. 8, 000 for five (5) people for one (1) week or part thereof

  • Ksh. 12, 000 for six (6) – ten (10) people for one (1) week or part thereof

  • Ksh. 20, 000 for more than ten (10) people for one (1) week or part thereof


For more information please visit

3- Research Entry


Information for Application for Authority to Conduct
Research in Kenya by Non-Kenyans

1.  An application for a research permit must be submitted in five (5) copies to reach the Principal Secretary, Office of the President, PO Box 30510, Nairobi, Kenya (herein referred to as the Ministry) at least 6 months before the date the applicant intends to start conducting the research in the case of non-resident applicants.

The research clearance applications forms must be accompanied by the following:

  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae of all the applicants (5 copies each).

  • A comprehensive project proposal, including details of objectives, hypotheses, methodology, literature review and envisaged application of the research results (5 copies).

  • A letter from the sponsor (5 copies). The sponsor is the person or body providing primary financial and/or material support towards the project.

  • Three current passport-size photographs of the applicant duly endorsed on the back by the sponsor or referee.

2.  The following fees are payable by applicants in cash or crossed postal order or bankers’ order. (Personal cheques are not acceptable).

» A non-refundable application fee of USD $250 should be made to the Principal Secretary, Office of the President.

3.  An applicant who has been permitted to conduct research in Kenya must undertake to deposit a minimum of four copies of his/her research findings including notes and methodology with the Ministry on completion of the research. If the research is to be completed outside Kenya, the raw, unfinished material must be endorsed by the affiliate institution and the relevant Government office before such materials may be taken out of Kenya. The final research reports must be submitted within a year from the date indicated as the completion date on the application form unless an extension has been approved in writing by the Ministry. The final research reports must be bound.

4. For projects which take longer than a year, two copies of yearly progress report, duly endorsed by the affiliating institution, must be submitted to the Ministry.

5. Any loss or damage to materials or documents made available to a researcher must be made good by him/her.

6. Materials, specimens, information or documents obtained in the course of the research work must not be used or be disposed of in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Republic of Kenya.

7. Research associateship/affiliation with a relevant Kenyan public research institution, intended or finalized, must be shown on this application form (see Part II No. 4). It is the applicant’s responsibility to negotiate for the affiliation and provide the necessary documentary evidence of this affiliation.

No research permit will be issued until the affiliation is confirmed. A list of institutions approved for affiliation purposes is appended. (MANDATORY: THIS LIST IS REQUIRED)

8.For short and medium-term projects, the research permit will be issued for a period not exceeding two years, subject to renewal for one further year. An application for renewal, to be made on the official research clearance renewal application forms, should be submitted to the Ministry at least three months before the expiry of the permit. A renewal fee of USD$50 will be required.

9.  For long-term projects taking more than three years, applicants are advised to request further information from the Ministry before submitting their application.

10. The Government of Kenya will have access to data and research premises of the project.

11.Persons who have not submitted satisfactory final reports on previous research work done in Kenya cannot be cleared for new projects.

12. Attention is drawn to sponsoring institutions and referees on the shared responsibility of making sure that researchers sponsored by them observe the foregoing regulations as breach of the regulations could result in refusal of permits for other researchers sponsored by the same institutions or referees.

13Applicants intending to do research in Kenya should only come to Kenya after a written approval has been issued on the applications by the authorizing officer, i.e. Office of the President. Any potential researcher that comes over to Kenya on different visas i.e. visitors pass, tourist visa, business visa, etc. will automatically be disqualified from getting a research status in the country.

For more information, please check on http\\